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More Ways to Help Caring House
Donations are always key, but there are many fun, easy and satisfying ways to help us with our mission, from bringing groceries for residents to corporate matching funds giving!

More ways to help:
♥ Our Wish List
You can help us with the supplies we need to serve our residents and families! Click here for details.
♥ Host a Facebook Fundraiser to benefit Caring House.
Share our mission with your friends and ask them to help you in supporting peace at the end of life. Click here to get started!
♥ In Lieu of…
Families of our residents often ask that – in lieu of flowers or otherwise – a donation be made to Caring House in memory of their loved ones to help future residents and families and/or to thank our dedicated staff and volunteers.
Here is suggested language you can use, if you choose to do that: In lieu of _________, please consider making a donation to Caring House in memory of _________ at or by mail to 2842 El Dorado Street, Torrance, CA 90503.
♥ Donor-Advised Funds
When you make a gift/grant recommendation to Caring House through your donor-advised funds, use this identifying information to ensure your support gets to the right place!
♥ Tax-free IRA Gifts
If you’re age 70½ or older, you can donate from your IRA directly to Caring House or other qualified organization of your choice – tax-free! Click here for more information.
♥ Leave a Legacy through Caring House
Would you like to leave behind a legacy of helping people in need at the end of their lives? You can, by leaving a gift to Caring House through your will, trust, IRA, other retirement plan, life insurance or real estate ownership rights. No matter the approach (gift, bequest, beneficiary naming, ownership rights, etc.), you’ll continue making a difference – even after you’re gone! Click here for more information.
♥ Naming Opportunities
Have a special person or organization you’d like to honor? Honor them at Caring House. The name of the person or organization will be displayed at an appropriate Caring House location. Click for more information.
♥ Corporate Matching Magic
More than 20,000 employers across the U.S. have active programs where they match contributions made by their employees to charities, one-to-one. When the employee gives $100, the employer will match it by giving $100 + the charity receives $200. Click for more information.
Questions about any of these options? You can reach us at (310) 796-6625 ext. 1 or
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