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We Welcome Visitors!

Arranging a Visit / Visiting Residents
We serve residents who are nearing the end of their lives, and meeting with visitors may be tiring for them or there may be times when a visit is not advisable. Since we want our residents to have visitors, our Visitor Policy was developed with that in mind. This policy is subject to change without notice.
Visitor Policy
We ask that visitors call ahead about the best time to visit out of respect for all of our residents and to maintain a peaceful home. The number to call is (310) 796-6625 ext. 3.
Visiting hours are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily (exceptions can be made upon request).
Only two people may visit with a resident at one time.
To protect our residents, families, volunteers and staff, please do not come to Caring House if you feel sick or have flu-like symptoms.
Please note: Each resident/responsible person may designate specific visitors at any point of the resident’s stay.
Visiting Procedures
Upon arrival, each visitor will be required to:
Provide their name, the name of who they are visiting, and sign-in on our visitor log.
Wear a well-fitted mask indoors (their own or one provided by us).
Wash/sanitize their hands after checking in.
Physically distance.
At the end of each visit, each visitor should promptly leave the house, so we may sanitize and prepare for other visitors.
COVID-19 Addendum
If a resident begins to display symptoms related to COVID-19 or is confirmed to have active COVID-19: The resident will be isolated/quarantined and that resident’s visitors will be given full personal protective equipment (PPE) for their visit. We will inform other residents’ visitors of the potential for exposure, and they may choose whether to continue visiting.
Virtual Visits
The quality of mobile phone reception in our neighborhood varies. To speak to or leave a message for a Caring House resident or visitor, please call 310-796-6625 ext. 3. Our caregivers can assist and pass along messages.
We have dedicated personal electronic devices for residents to utilize in the comfort and safety of their room. Residents will be assisted in using video and audio calling to reach loved ones. Video calls that require caregiver assistance must be set up in advance and will require participants to have email to receive invitations.
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