Naming Opportunities
Have a special person or organization you’d like to honor? Honor them at Caring House.
The name of the person or organization will be displayed at an appropriate Caring House location.

Category Description Available? Donation
Major Rooms Resident Bedroom Yes $100,000
Major Rooms Resident Bedroom Yes $100,000
Major Rooms Resident Bedroom Yes $100,000
Major Rooms Resident Bedroom Yes $100,000
Major Rooms Dining and Sitting AreaYes $100,000
Major Rooms Staff Workroom Yes $100,000
Major Rooms Resident Bedroom Taken $100,000
Major Rooms Kitchen Taken $100,000
Major Rooms Living Room Taken $100,000
Major Rooms Conference Room Taken $100,000
Major Rooms Multi-purpose garage Taken $100,000
Other Spaces Resident BathroomFront Yes $50,000
Other Spaces Resident BathroomCenter Yes $50,000
Other Spaces Powder Room Yes $50,000
Other Spaces Staff Work StationFront Yes $50,000
Other Spaces Staff Work StationBack Yes $50,000
Donor Recognition: Modern, easily updated, donor recognition wall and signage. $25,000
Safety System Fire: sprinklers, hardwired fire, smoke and CO alarms, strobe alarms, security video and perimeter alarms. $25,000
Computer and Communication: New computers to track resident needs, medications and information and manage Caring House operations; and telephone system. $20,000
Heating and Air Conditioning: Replace existing heating system; make ready for air conditioning. $20,000
Water and Sewer: Replace hot water system with recirculating tankless; update and add to water and sewer systems, inside and out. $15,000
Electrical Update: all electrical systems to handle expanded equipment load; improve lighting. Done! $15,000. Thank you!